get free instagram follwers without any human verification. some times we can find lotof web sites and webtools
for free instergram followers. but unfortunaly they asked for human verification. sometimes its work or not work.
the instagram free followers android apps asked to download huge file to give free followers to us. its not easy. sometimes
its too not work.
then i have found cool web tool to get free instagrm followers.
how to work?
click here to access to web fage. (free followers web tool)
then log here using your instagram user name and password. after logging to this free instagram webtool
you will see 5 savers web page. then click one of saver. finnaly you will see big web page. now find the send followers.
you can see how many fallowers they send to us.
click on send followers, then type your user name again in space bar, then click on green button.
after that you can see your profile , space and green button.
then type on space how many followers you need. then click on green button. then wait. you will get free followers now.
you can use this method everyday without any pay mant and doing human verafication.
watch the video for better understand