

Learn to enable you tube picture and picture mode to watch youtube videos on your home screen and while lock screen also. Picture in picture feature comes with after iOS 14 and later. if you loves to youtube music this feature is good and awesome. when you playing music on youtube you can simple come to home screen and do something what you like to checking emails texting to someone.or anything like to do. but your youtube video still playing on your screen. so this the best thing about picture in picture mode on iOS, 

How do you use picture in picture on iOS 14?
In a compatible app, which includes Apple's apps such as ‌Apple TV‌, you can tap on the Picture in Picture icon available at the top of the app to activate Picture in Picture mode, double tap on the video with two fingers, or swipe upward from the bottom of the ‌iPhone‌'s display to activate Picture in Picture mode.
lets start and lets see how to enable picture in picture for youtube. for this setup you need one app we called shorcuts 
this app comes with iOS but you dont have this you can simply download from appstore, this is the app we can create a short cut for get youtube to picture and picture mode, 

open setting and find this shortcuts app, we can find it here after install from app store,when we open this app we can find some setting and we should enable untrudsted short cuts 

you can see this setting in this picture, after enable this open safari browser and any other browser and search youtube pip, or type the web address to following me,

open this link and enable youtube picture in picture setting, when you finish the setting this site auto redirect to our installed shortcuts app, then we can open youtube app and select the video what you like to play on your home screen also, after open the youtube video, click share icon, and click more icon. then you will see one more icon as youtube pip. click that icon,

then your video goes on home screen, but sometime we can get error, just like could not run unknown action. from top corner of screen, to fix this error, we should click on this error,

after click this error we should download one more app. for support youtube pip, we dont need search that apps, when we click the this error we redirect to shortcuts apps and they ask to install one more app, 

this is the interface when we open the shortcuts app from clicking or error notification, then click the middle area we can find, click view in app store, 

this is the we have to dowload, after download this app, open the youtube app, and find a video wht you like to play on your home screen or lock screen, then click share icon and more icon. then you will see YouTube pip icon also, then your videos goes on your home screen.

you can hide this video, resize, mute and do anything with home screen, while doing anything on your home screen. so this is the tips for to enable picture in picture for youtube, to better understand watch the youtube video, and give a feedback to us. to watch more videos, subscribe me on youtube. thnak you.. ❤
To Better understand watch You Tube video

Hello everyone welcome to webeezzy. everyone like to share status in whatsapp. some status can post full screen, but some pictures and videos doesn't work . status full screen or not supporting full screen depends on picture size. that says the correct sizes for WhatsApp Stories is 750x1334 px. And the ... How can I make a WhatsApp status visible for a specific person? ... How can I post my full image on WhatsApp. ... (display picture) and status you have ever seen? Why?
evrything depends on size of picture you are going tom post in whatsapp.

This questions are in google. today i am going to answer this questions , cropping pictures and videos for whatsapp ? no it is not the answer. are you Instergram user? this option going to easy for you. if you not using instagram . we hope to find a way to create full screen status without instagram. so how ever we can post full screen whatsapp status post with instagram.

The picture before post full screen. i have select a picture to post in whatsapp story . how ever this picture not supporting to post full screen . so we need to crop this picture to post full screen whatsapp status. we are going to do it with instagram. this is easy to istagram users, if you are not using a instagram account you can create a instagram acoount. or we will find a way to post full screen whatsapp status without using instagram.

Open your instagrm app and click add story I have marked in the picture, after click the your story icon. select the picture would you like to share as your Whatsapp full screen status,

then you will see like this. now you need to change the size picture in the picture, use the two fingers on the screen to change size the picture.

you can resize picture using two fingers, would you like to share a video you can change the size like this no matter you are going to share.

After re-size the picture or video using instagram. ( instagram story) be like this. no need to share this in instagram , you can simply download this picture or your video simple click on the download icon. I have marked in the picture. after download the you can share it with Whatsapp status full screen.

Here we go. now you can see full screen whatsapp ststus before send the picture, when you going to share full screen video, follow this steps, they are same to sharing full screen whatsapp story ( status) .Please watch the video better understand,

Please give a comment, if you are tried this, is it working or not? thank for watching, 

Google blogger is a free blogspot site. everyone can create own blogspot with them. you can earn money with blogspot creating it branding. to brand a blogger you can use a high quality theme for the blogger. if you like to add a theme for the your blog. but cant find them or if you like to learn how to add theme for the domain. please comment me below. i can help you to choose one theme and install the theme for your blog spot.
How ever in this post i am going to show you how to add custom domain to blogger. why we need a custom domain to blogger?  when we using blogspot free domain the website name showing like YOURBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM we can remove the blogspot.com from byuying a domain.
when we using a custom domain .  custom domain will allow your website to have an undiluted image, which in turn will make your website far more memorable to your visitors. If you receive emails from visitors or URLs to your website are shared with a custom web address, they are entirely your own.
it will famous you and it will help you rank to google. and people can remember your address they are visiting with your blogger. 

Let see how to add custom domain to blogger. ( iam not provide any domain hosting site) 
you can find a good hosting service to buy a domain to your blogger simply googling. after buy a domain your domain page will show you DNS manger. 

this is the my blog spot before add to custom domain. 

after buy a domain find manage DNS setting. this steps are same for every custom domain adding method in blogger. on your blogger setting you can find third party domain add setting .

click the set up third party domain and type your domain name with triple w. example www.webfex.co.uk , then you can see c names to add to your domain. 

add this cnames to your purchased domain. left side words are name right side words are targets. if your domain provider gives a time to peroid for this please select one hour.

after add those c names like this. jump back to blogger setting and. click on setting instructions.

then you will see like this page. this ip address should add to domain. type name as @ select type as A .

ass settings are complete now. please refresh the blogger page and retype your domain name again and save it. it should save without error. 

after few minutes your domain will start work for your blog. 

to better understand watch the video tutorial. if you have any problem please comment me below. 

WhatsApp is finally getting a new dark mode on iOS and Android. It's a long-awaited feature, and the latest app update will turn it on and enable it. some android versions not supported for this dark mode feature in whatsapp . therefore i have a apk file for this android users. you can download apk file from below doenload button. 
How to enable WhatsApp dark mode on Android. Step 1: Go to Settings > Display > Select theme > Dark. Step 2: Once the dark mode is turned on. if you cant find this setting please updatte your whatsapp to last version from google play store. 
Dark mode allows you to change the color theme of WhatsApp from white to black. Use dark mode.

Download dark whatsApp
You need to update your WhatsApp version to the 2.20.13 Android beta update, in order to use the Dark Theme feature. Previous updates ...if you cant update this whatsapp to lastt version please download whatsapp from the link.
it is a free link 

Facebook following is most useful option to get more attention on facebook. Your friends aren't the only ones who might like your photos or posts. Share with anyone on Facebook, and find people with the same interests. Turn On Follow then you can post anything on your wall and others can see your post and they can like comment those your posts. what happen when we following ?\
You automatically follow people who you're friends with. You can also follow Pages (example: businesses, organizations, brands) and people who aren't your friend on Facebook but allow everybody to follow them. When you follow someone or a Page, you may see updates from that person. that person can be you. 
most important thing is when someone following you  , If someone follows you on Facebook, that means that they are following your updates, posts and they will get to see your activity in their News Feed.
Let see How to enable this facebook following setting to your facebook profile. 

this is the profile before enable facebook following option. if you like to add your other social media links like this (instagram, whatsapp number, twiiter profile etc. ) just click here to read it. or click here to watch video. 
(1) navigate setting and privacy on your facebook profile. 

when you click the setting and privacy you see setting path again. click the setting again. 

after open setting on your facebook profile you will see public post option. just click and open public post option. 

then you will see just like below screenshot page. just all setting mark as public. comment ranking also.

now everyone can follow you. ask to friend to follow you. still cant see followers on your profile? there is two mistake here
(1)- there is no one or follower on your profile
(2)- or you need to enable showing option on your facebook profile. 
lets see after enable followers showing option., 

jump back to the profile. and click edit public details. 

click edit details

the final step. when you click the public details. you can see followers on your profile. you need least one follower for this if you don't have? ask from the friend to follow you. least one person followed you. then facebook show this setting on your profile. 

(1) tick mark on following option 
(2) save it

finally you will get following option like this.  


Hello everyone welcome back to another post, sometimes we need to change location and profiles to download more apps and get reed oms etc. how ever in this post i am going to show you how to change google play store country,
be carefully you can change country once per one year. 
if you like to change google play store country? follow me now, first you need to download good quality VPN i can recommend  TURBO VPN it is a good vpn than others. after download the vpn make sure to change it what you like to change location as your google play country.

next step. after connect the vpn . close all the apps you are run. google play store etc. no need to clear data and cache.  then open google play store and navigate to account section.

then you can see a chance to change your country. to change country you need to add payment method to google play. but it no need to complete payment method application. as example click the add paypal. if you have a paypal account. add it.
after complete this step close again google play store and open it again. navigate back to google play store account.

then you can see like this page on your google play store. tick mark it to change google play store country. after complete it. google play store app. will reboot with in one min. the you can use your google play store account with out VPN , google play currencies will be change with in 24 hours.


Download any video from any site (free and easy way)

Video downloading is most important thing when we using social media and some websites. some websites not provide a download button to download videos. so how to save a video in our device.? then we need a some method to download videos from like this websites. some time you are using Facebook or instagram you cant download videos to your device. let me suggest you many of types to download videos with your own device, not important what you use device a mobile laptop or tab.

You Tube video and audio downloader free

You tube is a big place to watch more videos and listen music but save to your device favorite songs and videos you need a downloader or online downloader , so in this post I am going to suggest a good application to download videos and audios in single click. easy to use , when you searching You Tube downloaders but you will fall in lot of downloaders. check this You tube downloader, its cool and easy to use.

How to use this? just copy the video link then this downloader will catch up video link. then you can download video or if you like to music then you can download music. from this downloader.

Download the you tube downlader free
Download video from any website
Some website did not provide download links those videos. so we can use a stream video downloader for this. when you like to use chrome or fire fox you can add a download helper addon then we can easy to copy the link to downloader when you use the third party downloader or with direct download browser. how ever we can use this all types to download videos. everyone knows how to download addon to their browser, in google chrome. apps > webstore> search downloadhelper 
add it to you chrome browser. after add the downloadhelper you will see a how to use it below pictures,
The Downloadhelper addon in google chrome
The Downloadhelper addon in google chrome
when you add the download helper to your browser you will see triple ball icon on your browser corner, it is the icon you are going to use download videos from any site. for use it play the video or wait couple of minute to till the catch up download link from website. then you will see downloadhelper icon will coloring up. then just click on it and easliy download it. when you are use the one of downloader you can copy the link and past on your downloader to get fast download.
download videos from any site
Batter understand watch the video,

Subscribe us and make sure to click the bell icon to see more videos. check my last videos you will find awesome videos. thank you

Some times when we browsing we have enable some sites to gave notifiactions us, how ever it is a bother some times. we cant decide what is the important message. but we can remove those ads from google chrome mobile web browser too.
How ever I like to suggest you two method to block ads notification chrome mobile browser.

Locate to google chrome web browser setting and notification dection. the you will see what sites show ads on your mobile google chrome web browser.

then you can remove this ads sites from your google chrome browser.

this is the simple and easy way to block sites show ads. just drag the notification bar to below and hold press on the one of add, then its will ask remove to ads from this sites

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